Our Team

Kidist Melaku

Biography of Kidist Desalegn

Kidist is the vice president of the ministry and was born in Dessie in Northern Ethiopia. She came to Christ in her early 20s as a college student after much disillusionment with the world. Immediately after conversion, she realized God’s special calling upon her life to teach the Word of God to the lost and hurting world as well as to new and more advanced believers. Christ so completely transformed her life by filling her with his peace and stability that she takes advantage of every opportunity to share Christ’s love with others. During the pandemic, God encouraged and steadied thousands through the videos she released. She always strives to show the love of Christ through social media posts and teachings. As a staff member of The Image of His Son Apostolic Ministry, she equips new believers from around the world with the truth and power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is also a ministerial student at Berean School of the Bible at Global University.  She lives in Rome, Italy with her husband and two children. 

Pastor Dawit