
God started to talk to me about winning souls for Him in my hardest time. I was living on the streets in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) with no food and no home. No one took care of me and I didn’t see a future at all. However, I was deeply in love with Jesus and have always wanted to proclaim his name to all nations. I then started serving in different churches and my personal trials felt small in comparison to the joy of serving my Savior Jesus Christ. At the time, God gave me a word in Romans 8:29 “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.” Hallelujah! It was and still is difficult for me to fathom how much God has blessed us by adopting us as his children and calling sinners like me and you brothers and sisters to King Jesus himself! And so, I started to preach the gospel on the streets where I lived and since then God led thousands of people to faith in Jesus through my ministry. I have since given my life to this vision of calling fellow sinners like me to become brothers and sisters to Jesus by putting their faith on him.


Our vision is to see billions of people surrendering their lives to Jesus!


Reaching billions of people throughout the world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through preaching, street-evangelisms, crusades, and conferences



We Evangelize.

Evangelism (or witnessing) is the act of preaching the gospel with the intention of sharing the message and teachings of Jesus Christ. As the bible instructed us, we’ll travel all over the world and evanglize the Good News.

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Save Lives.

This world is filled with sin and death and only Jesus has become the ultimate medicine for sin. By preaching the good news and introducing Jesus to the world, we will save lives from Sin of this world.


Save more lives.

Jesus paid the price of sin on the cross. But not only that, he has saved us from all other consequences of sin. By this same good news we’ll deliver people from their sickness, depression, poverty, and many more.

Follow our journey.